Good luck with fixing yours! Do you know if I can sand it down and do it again after the 6 hours are up? The spray-on (aerosol) application is great for tubs while the brush-on approach improves a sink or vanity. Works On: Fiberglass, Porcelain, Glazed Ceramic Tile and Countertop Laminate. Tub and Tile Refinishing Kit, White, 21 oz, Brush On, Tough as Tile Kit 9/10 We have selected this product as being #4 in Best How To Remove Homax Tough As Tile of 2020 So I go to HD looking for the Rust-Oleum tub & tile refinishing kit. Homax Tough as Tile brush-on and roll-on must be thoroughly stirred, not shaken (shaking it will actually create bubbles when you paint it on). Apply your Duct tape to the perimeter and tape down some heavy plastic to the floor. How do I keep the moisture off my bathroom walls? I just looked at the reviews on the Home Depot website and they weren't very good. One can is enough to do two sinks OR one bathtub. I also did my own tub andl large vanity in my home. 9 people found this helpful. And because tile is frequently subjected to hot water, this … Paint - All that's left is to apply Tough as Tile to the surface and let dry. So I got the Homax white brush on. Which will help you to take decision to get Homax Tough As Tile Brush On Review. I don't know if sanding will remove those embedded hairs but its worth a try, and follow up with a tack cloth to remove any remaining hairs or dust. “With the new Homax Tough as Tile product, users can quickly and easily revamp the look of existing tubs, sinks or tile without spending a fortune or putting in days of manual labor. Terry cloth towels absorb more water in a pinch and the hair dryer finishes the job. Use fresh brushes for every coat. How to get hose off faucet thats stuck with alkaline? What is the best way to get rid of smelly sink and tub drains. This is a man who is so disappointed he is thinking of contacting the company, but here is a woman who is very happy with her shower tub (although it doesn't show how it looks after being used and cleaned a few times), open--- HERE is the satisfied woman (and her helpful friend) applying it to the tub part of the shower. I don't know what happened to give this result but I'd call the company to see if they can help you. How can I gut my bathroom for under $3000? Refinishing tub with Homax Tough as Tile epoxy finish. I ended up using a good quality brush, so it wouldn't shed (keep a pair of old tweezers handy just in case) since it seemed to level well, and I couldn't see my brush strokes. Mine said not to use a foam roller, too. Allow this substance to sit on the surface for at least a half-hour, during which time you should relocate. Refinish or re-recolor your tub, sink or tile, while eliminating the time, hassle and expense of a complete bathroom remodel. Help! I use it on every bathroom I refinish. Hi there. Gail Hanks. Leave it alone? Otherwise the first coat wasn't fully cured and got pulled off. Any dust or overspray on the item being coated can be removed, after curing, using the supplied steel wool and a bit of 3000 or finer grit wet or dry sandpaper, used dry. By the time I noticed, it was in time to not use that roller on the rest, but, I had to redo that section. Helpful. I think it came out pretty good, especially since I'm a novice. The epoxy was dry. The brand of roller shouldn't matter, as long as the length and type of nap are the same. NeyotyHometalker - Homax Tough as Tile, is this for a porcelain repair? It must be the process you are doing or the company. Good Luck! Keep a trash bag on hand for depositing the paste and paint. Out of 125 reviews only 25 were 5 stars and 70 were only 1 star. Feb 26, 2017 - Homax Tough as Tile Tub & Sink Spray-On Epoxy Refinishing Kit provides everything you need to restore your tub or sink to like-new condition with a glossy, protective finish. I used both and foam and a regular brush for the application. Let the primer dry 24 hrs, then painted. How cna I remove ring around stool at water line? Next time, I'd let it sit overnight and then, in an out of the way area, see if you can dent it or scrape it with your fingernail. Covers one (1)… After two … I hate redoing something like this, but, sometimes it's the only way. KIT INCLUDES: (2) 16 oz. I hope to get in contact with them. You can try sanding it off, but you might have to strip to get a clean smooth surface and remove those hairs. Perfect. Then, apply a thick layer (as much as 1/2 inch thick) to the entire tub. (28 g) Surface Preparation Cleaner (1) Pair of Nitrile Gloves Leaves a smooth high-gloss porcelain-like surface breathing new life into your old worn out tub or sink. It looked like yours before I redid it. Step 2: Polyclean Clean the Tub – A Mild acid wash to remove any soap scum contaminants . The product we ended up with was Homax Tough as Tile from Home Depot. Then show this pic to the company and take their advice. Have you wanted to attempt a project, but lacked the tools? Didn't have it, but they suggested the HOMAX variant. It looks like the first coat wasn't completely dry. I would use a very low nap roller then, and run some painter's tape over it a couple times to get any loose hairs. Never Buy a Cleaning Product Again With These 13 Homemade Eco Cleaners. looks like it was still sticky maybe wait longer to dry. How can I install a shower curtain into a handicapped shower? on Oct 5, 2020. A new revolutionary one part tough as tile epoxy paint provides a hard protective finish that remains beautiful for years. The one part finish is slightly transparent when first applied. Moreover, People whose are looking for Best Homax Tough As Tile Brush On . I used a non-foam roller. I did this should I do the background. It was about $40 and I ended up buying two since I was covering pink and was afraid I might need more coverage. The Homax Tub Refinishing Kit offers you a very resilient, high-gloss porcelain finish product that not only gives your old tubs and tiles a marvelous, pearlescent finish but it also puts a protective shield on the damaged areas of the surface. I did use a different brand of paint roller the 2nd time around. The time frame mentioned is for ideal conditions. I would suggest calling the manufacturer for proper remediation, before trying random advice that might make things worse. Helpful. I'm thinking the first coat wasn't completely dry or cured. Basically it is liquid epoxy (not sure it is epoxy since there was no additive for chemical reaction). Step 1: Removing Silicon – Professional Grade Digested to dissolve the silicon around the tub and tile. Have a wonderful night/morning. The very last procedure before painting is very crucial. See 3 Previous . Rather than replacing old bathroom sinks, tubs, or tile; give them new life by applying a one-part, spray-on, epoxy finish, such as Homax Tough as Tile ® Tub & Sink Refinishing Kit.. Before applying the finish, be sure to prepare the surface properly following the directions in the kit. HOMAX TOUGH AS TILE, WHITE, PART A Product ID#:720760A, 720733A, Revision Date: April 8, 2004 Page 2 of 19 SYMPTOMS OF OVEREXPOSURE BY ROUTE OF EXPOSURE: The most significant routes of occupational overexposure are inhalation and contact with skin and eyes. An epoxy coat dries in about 90 minutes. Instead, I got the Homax "Tough as Tile" Tub & Sink Refinishing kit. How do I remove built up calcium deposits on ceramic bathroom tile? I literally read the instructions 5x's. I have 30 of different sizes an thickness would they soundproof rooms. If so, let it sit, maybe with a fan on, until it' completely hard and dry before you attempt the second coat.. I just finished my bathtub. Great for surfaces subject to severe & frequent washing including fiberglass, porcelain, glazed ceramic tile, countertop laminate. I tried the Homax Tough as Tile product (Bathroom, Sink, Tub & Tile Refinish) on the tiles in my bathroom shower. We have managed below list for Homax Tough As Tile Brush On Review upon 35866 reviews. How can I finish redoing this piece of furniture? I waited the 3 hours as mentioned. Homax Tough as Tile, Tub, Bathroom Sink, and Tile One Part Finish provides a durable, protective finish that remains beautiful for years. The type of paint roller should not have mattered. Use a clean stir stick to gently stir the paint before each use. Return to the bathroom and use a paint scraper to remove the paste and the paint beneath. 3. Hello, I would just sand it and try again, but you may want to contact the manufacturer to see if this is a problem that occurs a lot and how to fix it. It seems as though the second coat pulled the first coat up a bit. Higher gloss for an even more porcelain-like appearance. I haved used this several times and like the dumb people who usually write reviews I DID NOT FOLLOW DIRECTIONS. Green backer board vs. 2. The brushes you use + thin coats is everything. Did you have an exhaust fan turned on during the time when you thought the first coat was drying? R. Larsen. I refinished my garden tub and the stall shower and used the brush-on; I like it better as I feel I have more control with it. And that is the only problem you might have using this, No no no people, he used a foam brush. The first layer was fine. Give your aging tub or sink a fresh look with the Homax Tub & Tile Spray-On Epoxy. Allow proper dry time. feet -- equivalent to one standard size tub or two sinks. This is "How To Apply Homax Tough As Tile Tub & Sink One-Part Epoxy" by PPG AC Training on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who… Looks like more prep cleaning needs to be done, and sanding prior to didn't stick cause something is on the surface. I know this because the epoxy finish began peeling away within a couple months of daily use. Tough As Tile is an epoxy that leaves a new bright white surface that looks like porcelain behind after being painted on. Any tips for a nice result are appreciated. You can try sanding it off, but you might have to strip to get a clean smooth surface and remove those hairs. What your seeing, I think, is the foam partially dissolved by the epoxy paint. We followed the package instructions to the letter and even a little extra cleaning.... because our tub is so OLD.... we already had reservations as to how well it would do..... we got a little bit of the fish eye or blushing..... it would have been so good to even have had a glance of an idea of a good primer to use before applying the tough as tile product! It provides a "tooth" for the final heavier top coat to hold onto. Contact the company to see what they recommend. Did these blisters appear during the time that you were applying the second coat, or when did you first notice them? Faster cure time - cures in 2 days. How do you remove hard & lime deposit from glass shower doors? How can I make this small narrow bathroom look bigger? How can I seal a repainted laminate bathroom countertop? While it did work very nicely in that regard, it also kinda messed up my hands for a few days. Helllo. 0 Reviews. I applied the 2nd coat and this happened (see images). Remove any caulking around the perimeter of the tub and clean and dry thoroughly so your tape will stick. Hopefully the manufacturer has an easier way to fix it. How humid/hot is the weather where you live, and how humid is the interior air in the bathroom? Buy a prepackaged tub and tile kit. It worked. I went back and reviewed the instructions. Kit includes tough as tile paint, nitrile gloves, steel wool and surface cleaner Hi Neyoty, Here's a step by step video that I think will help! Reply. Works on surfaces subject to severe & frequent washing. Is it better to use the spray or the brush-on? If you plan to remove a whole wall of tiles, try tapping the edge of each one with a chisel for signs of looseness. I chose the spray on version since I was worried about getting an even coat on all the shell edges. That's where Homax Tough As Tile in white came in. The one part epoxy means no mixing, no mess, and a longer shelf life. Tub and tile were original to the 1957 home and were actually not in bad shape. I would think he/she would have noticed that after the fact, but in the shear panic of watching this unfold,,,,, 12 Adorable Plant Markers From Your Junk Drawer. It looks like you may have used a regular nap roller and some of the fuzz got pulled off. Homax® Tough as Tile® Tub & Sink, One-Part Brush-On Finish-White restores your tub or sink to like-new condition with a high-gloss and protective finish that remains beautiful for years. Ten minutes after I applied the first coat of Homax Tough as Tile, this appeared. Clean and prep - following the instructions on the product, make sure your tile surface is clean to provide a smooth, prepared surface for your refinish. I think I would try wiping it up with paper towels to preserve what you can. Best best is to start over and do a extremely thin layer and keep doing thin thin layers. Try to locate a loose tile. What would you do to upgrade this bathroom? TUB & TILE KIT. Report abuse. Coverage: 44 - 52 sq. Thank you very much. Is this normal? It looks like a fail to me. You no longer have to live with your old, stained or discolored tub or bathroom sink. Concrete Backer Board? A couple of spots did need a roller, and I "cheated" and used a small foam roller to touch up. The Tough as Tile provides a hard, protective finish that remains beautiful for years - even on surfaces subject to severe or frequent washing. Don't over brush, keep the brushes wet in the paint. As a bonder product, XIM Tile Doc is specifically meant to stick. That much spraying puts a lot of strain on your fingers and wrists, just FYI! Sand like a maniac. GREAT SALE PRICE. You should be able to sand it down and recoat it. How do I get rid of bad smell in bedroom when I can’t find it? Thank you and I think you're right. Here's my two cents - when I did a similar project, the roller I used in one section left little lint like pieces that hardened into hard little raised areas. WIPE DOWN WITH 91% ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL!!! Wondered if I should have waited the 6 hours. The first tile is much harder to remove than the rest, so it's worth taking some extra time to see if you can get lucky. most always is best to spray a light "flash coat " initially. The Tough as Tile product is also perfect for professionals on a tight job budget or who need to get the job done quickly. Drip and sag resistant with superior flow that eliminates brush marks. I'm guessing that a foam roller might deteriorate with the chemicals, but, mine didn't, for the little I used it. All units are perfect. Did you use a foam roller? I also wouldn't let it dry or go down the drain. Brighter and whiter. you could go online to the manufacturer of the product and ask them what is the best way to fix this - they know what will work with their products good luck to you. Should I put something in the middle..maybe a word? A soft microfiber cloth and some sustained rubbing will bring up the shine of the original glazed ceramic. FACTORY SEALED NEW. How do I cover this area left uncovered from shower replacement (pic)? Transform your tub, sink or tile work to look like new. I went to Home Depot for the Rustoleum brand tub and tile kit that I had seen all over Pinterest, but they didn't stock that one (and neither does Lowes). Sand it down and either use a foam roller or a low nap roller. How can I clean a white fiberglass tub surround that has yellowed? If so the spray should have covered the entire area and then follow the instructions. Use to refinish or re-color your tub or sink. Rinse the low nap roller to remove any loose fibers or what I do is use duct tape and go over the roller. In general, curing takes 48 hours. But that was the whole point of using this stuff, because I couldn''t remove the tub from the house. This "homax tough as tile brush on" list also will be helpful for them. Homax Tough as Tile One Part Epoxy: Once the chips have been filled in, you may want to refinish your tub with the Homax Tough as Tile One Part Epoxy Finish in spray-on (aerosol) or brush-on kits. Both Rust-Oleum and Homax sell kits that include epoxies designed to work for the job, a complete list of necessary tools and supplies, and step-by-step instructions that you should follow to the letter. Hi Hilary: You should be able to sand it and start over. Can I use waterproof vinyl flooring to cover shower walls? Step 3: Drying the tub – Use a hair dryer and terry cloth towels. HOMAX MODEL 720771 WHITE. If the instructions said to wait 6 hours and you only waited 3, this could be the reason. Disclaimer: I am currently partnering with HOMAX® and this video is part of my involvement. Tough As Tile Aerosol Epoxy is a high-gloss porcelain repair product used to refinish tiles, sinks and bathtubs. For years, XIM Tile Doc has been an easy-to-use tile cover in tough commercial applications, including public bathrooms, hotels, and schools. If you have wood, vinyl or acrylic products to protect, apply a second layer of … Golly, I wish we would’ve seen your statement about primer before we painted! I followed the directions to the letter! How do I keep shower glass sparkling clean in my vacation rental? Proper Process. I would use a foam roller, or if you must use a napped one, run some tape over the roller a few times to remove loose hairs. I think your best bet is to sand it. I would use a foam roller, or if you must use a napped one, run some tape over the roller a few times to remove loose hairs. Mine came out close to perfect. It doesn't take into consideration heat and/or humidity sometimes. I primed w/Zinser123, only one coat AFTER I cleaned & sanded as per instructions. Yes, I would sand down the areas that are raised up and add another thin layer with a roller. Golly, I wish we would’ve seen your statement about primer before we painted! It was used in every apartment where I live, to 'upgrade' to a speckle finish to look like some type of fleck tile. Mask the area with painters tape - This will prevent your project from spilling out into the surrounding bathroom space. Good luck and stay safe! You are not the only one who is so disappointed ! Homax 1015082 10 oz White Water-Based Wall & Ceiling Texture, Pack of 6. I, too, wanted to get rid of this color and the gray scratch lines near the drain once I saw them. It’s just too thick of a coat with the shape of the sink and it’s consistency, I runs like crazy. The home I purchased a few years ago came with cast iron bathtub and ceramic tile walls that had been covered with a 2-step epoxy finish. If you locate one, use either of the methods below to remove it. Solutions? What kind of roller did you use? (454 g) Tough as Tile Epoxy Finish Cans (2) Pads of Homax Extra Fine Steel Wool (1) Packet 1 oz. I taped off the area I was doing over and after sanding it down, went through all the prep steps, etc. It may have felt dry to the touch, but not cured. Instructions stated not to use foam brush.
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